Intrigue is a free print-and-play card game for three players. You compete with your opponents to put your favored successor onto the throne after the mysterious death of the King... but the successor you support in public may not be the one you are assisting in the shadows.


v0.1.2 2020-11-30


This blog post describes the design and production process for the game.

Intrigue was created as part of the 2020 National Game Design Month

Build Instructions

A complete copy of the game can be built from the files in the repository. The Makefile makes assumes you are running GNU Make on a Linux system, with WINE and PDFtk installed and a copy of nanDECK placed in the cards directory. With that in place, you should be able to simply run make to produce the rulebook PDF and the two card and token PDFs.


Intrigue by Paul Gestwicki is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
