
This project seemed like a "easy" task at first but the more I began to think about how I wanted to design the game and develop it, I began to get lost in ideas. I began trying to learn and design too many things at once. I learned towards the end to just stick to one idea/ task at a time instead of thinking about other ideas.

  • D-1: The repository link is submitted to Canvas before the project deadline.
  • D-2: The repository contains, in the top-level directory, a README.md file that includes the project identifier and author's name.
  • D-3: The project content is eligible for an ESRB Rating of M or less.
  • C-1: Your repository is well-formed, with an appropriate .gitignore file and no unnecessary files tracked.
  • C-2: The repository is tagged using semantic versioning where the major version is zero, the minor version is the iteration number, and the patch version is incremented as normal for each change made to the minor version. The link submitted on Canvas is to the relevant release.
  • C-3: You have a clear legal right to use all incorporated assets, and the licenses for all third-party assets are tracked in the README.md file.
  • C-4: The project content is eligible for an ESRB Rating of T or less.
  • C-5: The player can control the angle at which the projectile is fired.
  • C-6: The player can fire the projectile.
  • C-7: The projectile's flight is affected by gravity using Godot Engine's physics system.
  • C-8: There is a “ground” that stops the projectile.
  • C-9: There is a non-ground target that the projectile can hit.
  • B-1: The README.md file contains a personal reflection on the iteration as well as the reflections from previous iterations, if any.
  • B-2: The README.md file contains a self-assessment.
  • B-3: The release is published to GitHub Pages with a link provided in the README.md file.
  • B-4: The projectile's firing angle is clamped between 0° (straight forward) and 90° (straight up).
  • B-5: Once fired, the projectile is non-interactive.
  • A-1: The player can modify the strength of the projectile's firing.
  • A-2: There is a visual indicator showing the angle at which the projectile will fire.
  • A-3: The projectile's hitting the target is recognized and logged to the console or otherwise indicated.