A cheatsheet plugin for neovim with bundled cheatsheets for the editor, multiple vim plugins, nerd-fonts, regex, etc. with a Telescope fuzzy finder interface !
- broneksBarley
- cleong14
- codeluggage@digifarmio
- copeugneParis
- dvinciguerra@ResultadosDigitais
- EvanSux
- fserbGoogle
- gerganMain Method GmbH
- gkzeBasis
- holyspiritomb
- hp4k1h5
- iainsimmonsSunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
- J-HaleOf76Ohio
- JEFLBROWNElsewhere
- JustinBacherJBach Development
- kennykingdevTacoma, WA, USA
- lethang7794Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- Lewenhaupt
- liketechnik
- LuYanFCPBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- matyasjay@onebeyond
- nogweiiPhoenix, AZ
- nyaahilism
- rizkyilhampraIndonesia
- sametaorStudent
- Saverio976@EpitechPromo2026
- sechols223Hammond, Louisiana, USA
- SeleneCosmiaIn Your Walls
- TimTuijn
- xander27
- xlink9xKassel
- yorik1984Kiev
- ZerGo0