
Compatibility with doctrine/inflector:2.0

W0rma opened this issue · 3 comments

W0rma commented

doctrine/orm 2.x relies on doctrine/common which does only allow installation of doctrine/inflector:^1.0.

After the release of doctrine/inflector:1.4 this leads to deprecation notices in doctrine/orm:

The "Doctrine\Common\Inflector\Inflector::classify" method is deprecated and will be dropped in doctrine/inflector 2.0. Please update to the new Inflector API.

I guess this package should support both 1.0 and 2.0 at the same time? In this case this package may need some BC layer similar to symfony/maker-bundle#600

The deprecation notice can be fixed by migrating to the new API, which is available in inflector 1.4 as well. This package will not be updated to accept inflector 2.0, as this is in the process of being phased out.

W0rma commented

Thanks for your quick reply.

This means doctrine/orm 2.7/2.8 must be migrated to the new API. However, it is not possible to install inflector 2.0 as long as doctrine/common is a dependency there (the dependency has already been removed in master but not in 2.7/2.8 which are still maintained).

This means doctrine/orm 2.7/2.8 must be migrated to the new API.

That is correct. Note that updating to the new API does not require installing Inflector 2.0. Once migrated to the new API, no deprecation notices will be emitted.