- 0
Add merge method to ArrayCollection
#1030 opened by dozsan - 3
Undefined constant shown
#990 opened by victormacko - 2
Wrong proxy class generation with default values as constants referncing `self`
#988 opened by Lustmored - 1
- 0
- 1
ProxyGenerator does not allow to use identity methods not started with get...()
#1007 opened by kshtompel - 0
Bug: Generated proxy method getId() casts to int and breaks when used with enums
#1006 opened by pauljura - 1
ProxyGenerator: EnumDefaultInMethod - FQN not used
#958 opened by solcik - 5
ProxyGenerator turns double quoted default values into single quoted default values
#987 opened by ampaze - 8
3.4.0 broke class constants defaults in methods parameters when using PHP 8.1+
#983 opened by kissifrot - 7
v3.4.0 ProxyGenerator Warning: Undefined array key
#982 opened by forgie1 - 2
- 24
Proxy's `__debugInfo()` must not have side effects
#964 opened by flack - 9
- 3
Entity method proxies generate incorrect parameters and result in compile error when object is used as a default value
#965 opened by Amunak - 1
- 0
- 7
Proxies - Access to private property from the same class scope (recursive) does not initialise Proxy
#934 opened by olsavmic - 1
Attempted to call an undefined method named "getName" of class "ReflectionIntersectionType"
#948 opened by kopfsalat - 3
Documentation page is empty
#942 opened by JacekDziurdzikowski - 3
- 1
FileSystemCache permissions issue
#933 opened by Pi-George - 5
Error: Field with default value cannot be null
#847 opened by BernardA - 7
ProxyGenerator fails with optional parameters
#927 opened by jesusangel - 2
ProxyGenerator missing assert() for getDeclaringMethod() return value in getParameterType()
#922 opened by GameplayJDK - 3
- 13
- 3
Compatibility with doctrine/inflector:2.0
#889 opened by W0rma - 9
- 2
Invalid Proxy generated
#898 opened by obstschale - 7
- 1
- 7
prevent generated proxy class to throw an exception in __toString while loading data
#824 opened by SimonHeimberg - 2
Public typed class properties incompatible with lazy fetch mode in PHP 7.4
#881 opened by a-menshchikov - 21
Doctrine\Common\Util\ClassUtils being deprecated
#867 opened by TerjeBr - 0
Proxy Autoloader: autoloader assumes $notFoundCallback always creates the proxy file
#870 opened by alcaeus - 38
The future of Common 3.0
#826 opened by Majkl578 - 0
Move NotifyPropertyChanged into doctrine/persistence
#855 opened by Majkl578 - 1
Lens is not pluralised correctly
#858 opened by MvnTruong - 3
Doctrine\Common\Lexer should be marked as deprecated
#846 opened by stof - 3
- 4
Bytea cache
#828 opened by Gemorroj - 3
- 3
- 1
- 4
[Semantical Error] The annotation does not exist, or could not be auto-loaded.
#814 opened by unckleg - 7
BC break: 2.7.2 => v2.8.0: Proxy generation: embedded documents can no longer be marked final
#813 opened by Bilge - 2
ProxyGenerator::formatType() not Trait friendly
#811 opened by d42ohpaz - 1
Dependency Issues mismatch required PHP version
#810 opened by GavinCS - 7
composer update issue
#808 opened by zhaolion