Data analysis on the COVID19 data about the US: Logistic fit

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

COVID19 Data on the USA

Data analysis on the Coronavirus epidemic that is happening in the USA - Comments and suggestions are more than welcome!

What does it do?

Using the code you will

  • Download the COVID19 data on the US, availabe in another GitHub repository
  • Put the data into a DataFrame and filter them
  • Run a least-square fit using the Logistic growth model
  • Save the data into a folder called Fit_Data
  • Plot the data and the fitted model

The source is the COVID Tracking project and

Page describing the project https://covidtracking.com

CSV File available on GitHub https://github.com/COVID19Tracking/covid-tracking-data/blob/master/data/states_daily_4pm_et.csv

How to use the code?

  • Open COVID19_USA_DataAnalysis.ipynb and run it. It has no outputs. Close it.
  • Open COVID19_USA_Plots.ipynb and plot what data you are interested in

There are two Jupyter Notebook files:

  • COVID19_USA_DataAnalysis.ipynb

This file contains the code to perform a least-square fit on the available data on the US. It fits the data to a Logistic model. It performs the fit and stores the outcome in the folder Fit_Data. It contains no output. You can simply run it and then close it.

  • COVID19_USA_Plots.ipynb

This file contains the code to visualize, data, the corresponding fit and save your plot. Two functions will be used to look at the data: plot_fit_by_indicator and plot_fit_by_state. The notebook contains the explanation about how to use these functions. Here we simply report, at readers' convenience, the indicators you will be able to look at are.

Data available in the USA and the state-wise database

  • date = date of observation
  • states number of states with covid-19 cases
  • positive number of tests with positive result
  • negative number of tests with negative result
  • posNeg sum of positive and negative
  • pending number of tests with pending result
  • death number of death cases
  • total total number of cases

What else is in it?

  • The folder Fit_Data, where the output of COVID19_USA_DataAnalysis.ipynb will be stored in the form of .CSV files. These files are organized in two sub-folders: Indicators, States, where the respective data are stored.

  • A folder Plots, where the output of COVID19_USA_Plots.ipynb will be saved, in the form of a .PNG file. These plots are organized in subfolders. The names of the subfolders are consistent with the way the data is analized: ByState and ByIndicator