
Monads in TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package provides monads based on my (limited) experience with Haskell and has a lot of issues and incomplete functionality.

There are currently two monads provided for use in Typescript:

  1. The IO monad wraps input/output operations similar to Haskell
  2. The Maybe monad (and type!) provides an interface for maybe types

Note: IO commands are only meant to be used as arguments to a top-level function call of io_main.


  • Compile the package, run npm run build
  • Run unit tests, run npm test
  • Run an example, run ts-node examples/{io,monad}.example.ts


  • examples/io.example.ts an example that prints package.json without "extra" whitespace.
  • examples/maybe.example.ts an example of a safe list.head and division function.


The (>>=) and (>>) operators are not valid identifiers, and TypeScript doesn't support infix operators, so the following are replacements:

  • >>= is replaced with $$_ and is called on the left object. E.g. IO.return(3).$$_(io_log)
  • >> is replaced with $$ and is called on the left object. E.g. io_log("Hello").$$(io_log("World!"))

Since TypeScript does not natively support macros, do syntax is not supported thus every Monad chain needs to be written manually.