
Simple text based personal time tracker that runs locally

Primary LanguagePython

Text-based personal time tracker

How to use

  • Show/hide the time tracker window via the clock button on the Windows tray
  • Manage time entries as simple text
    • Days can be added as # <day>
    • Time records can be added as hh:mm-hh:mm label
  • Get real-time aggregations automatically
    • Time spent by topic for each day. After summing up entries it ensures that sums can be represented by a decimal number in the format of n.nn, so it may round upwards a few minutes for each label
    • Presence time (Limitation: currently start is fixed at 8:00 and lunch break is at 12:00-13:00, end time calculated by the items.)
  • State is automatically stored in a local text file
  • Supports simple notes: if a day label starts with "# Note" then it will be not considered for the aggregations

Time tracker

How to use

  1. Requires Python 3.12.7 and PowerShell
  2. Clone this repo
  3. As a one-time setup, run install.ps1 to create the virtual environment
  4. Run gui.ps1
  5. (Optional) Create a shortcut for ease of use
  6. Right-click on the gui.ps1 file in File Explorer, then choose "Send to" > "Desktop (create shortcut)"
  7. Right-click on the created shortcut, select Properties - Change the "Target" Field, add "PowerShell" to the beginning, e.g., "PowerShell C:\TimeTracker\gui.ps1" - Change "Run" to "Minimized"
  8. Click OK
  9. (Opitonal) Add the shortcut to autostart
  10. Press the Windows logo key + R, then type shell:startup
  11. Copy the shortcut you've created to the Startup folder


  • Make error handling more lenient, to be able to see the total time in case of errors
  • Add guide how to add the shortcut to autostart and hide the console window.
  • Application lock to prevent multiple instances running concurrently.
  • Autocomplete should suggest whole labels not just individual words
  • Add config options to control behavior
    • Be able to turn off rounding
    • Configure presence time generator instead of always using the fixed lunch break 12:00-13:00
  • Visualize each day with a simple chart as an overall presence time indicator for the day.
  • Add more formatting
    • Have a different background for # Note: sections
    • Background colors for days
    • Highlight headers (in left and right)
    • Have an unique color for time blocks (hh:mm-hh:mm on the left and d.dd hours on the right)
    • Have an unique color for each different entry type
    • Make TOTAL and Presence times also bold or underlined