
Primary LanguageTypeScript

KTA Desktop

This is an Electron application, based on React and Webpack for rapid application development.


⚠ Requires a node version >= 7 and an npm version >= 4 ⚠

First, clone the repo via git:

$ git clone git@github.com:IT-PKS/kta-desktop.git
$ cd kta-desktop
$ git submodule update --init

And then install dependencies with yarn.

$ yarn

Note: If you can't use yarn for some reason, try npm install.


Start the app in the development environment. This starts the renderer process in hot-module-replacement mode and starts a server that sends hot updates to the renderer process:

$ yarn dev


For Windows:

$ yarn build-win

Then locate .exe file in release folder for installation.




Toggle Chrome DevTools

OS X: Cmd + Alt + I or F12

DevTools Extension

This project includes the following DevTools extensions:

You can find the tabs on Chrome DevTools.


See electron-builder CLI Usage

How to Add Modules to the Project

⚠ Please read following section before installing any dependencies ⚠

Module Structure

This project uses a two package.json structure. This means, you will have two package.json files.

  1. ./package.json in the root of your project
  2. ./app/package.json inside app folder

Which package.json File to Use

  1. If the module is native to a platform (like node-postgres or sqlite3) or otherwise should be included with the published package (i.e. bcrypt, openbci), it should be listed under dependencies in ./package.json and ./app/package.json.
  2. If a module is imported by another module, include it in dependencies in ./package.json. See this ESLint rule. Examples of such modules are material-ui, redux-form, and moment.
  3. Otherwise, modules used for building, testing and debugging should be included in devDependencies in ./package.json.