
Simple way to add two-factor authentication to your laravel application with minimal setup required.

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION


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Step 1

Install using composer

composer require dododedodonl/laravel-2fa

Step 2

Publish migration and run it. Change the migration if it does not fit your database schema.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag "laravel-2fa.migrations"
php artisan migrate

Step 3

Either configure web-based secret setup (by enabling the php-imagick extension), or make an error message visible when a user has no secret set manually using artisan.

Error on login

Edit your login form page, and add this somewhere when secret setup via web is disabled to display the correct errors.

<div class="alert alert-danger" role="alert">{{ $message }}</div>

Vendor assets

Optionally publish config, migration or views

# Some
php artisan vendor:publish --tag "laravel-2fa.config"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag "laravel-2fa.migrations"
php artisan vendor:publish --tag "laravel-2fa.views"

# All
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "Dododedodonl\Laravel2fa\TwoFactorAuthenticationServiceProvider"


Protect a route

A middleware alias is added called 2fa. You can assign this to individual routes or controllers like all other middleware.

Route::get('home', 'HomeController@index')->name('home')->middleware('2fa');

Disabled by default

The middleware is disabled by default in some cases (for example in local environment). Override this by using 2fa:force as middleware.


To use it globally, add \Dododedodonl\Laravel2fa\Http\Middleware\Verify2faAuth to the web group in your app/Http/kernel.php. Routes starting with 2fa. and the route logout will still work when logged in. On all other routes the middleware will be applied and a token will be asked.

Secret setup

Via web

This is disabled by default because it requires ext-imagick php extension. Edit config/laravel-2fa.php or edit your environment file. Add OTP_SETUP_ENABLED=true to your .env file to enable.

Via artisan

Set a secret for a user: php artisan 2fa:generate {username}. Revoke a secret for a user: php artisan 2fa:revoke {username}.


No token is asked of me

By default, the middleware is disabled when the environment is set to local to make testing easier. Use 2fa:force to force the execution of the middelware.

I get redirected back to the login page without error

When no secret is found in the database, and web-based secret setup is not configured, you are redirected back to the login page, logged out. An error does accompany this, but you need to edit your login.blade.php file to show it as suggested in one of the installation steps.


Please see contributing.md for details and a todolist.


If you discover any security related issues, please email dododedodonl@thor.edu instead of using the issue tracker.


This packages assumed you use Bootstrap 4 as css framework. Bootstrap 3 views are also provided, configure them by calling Dododedodonl\Laravel2fa\TwoFactorAuthentication::useBootstrapThree(). However, this is not a requirement, you can just change the views to your css framework.


MIT. Please see the license file for more information.