
These scripts are public domain, donated by me to the Ghostnote community. Feel free to contribute and submit pull requests!

Primary LanguageAppleScript


These scripts are public domain, donated by me to the Ghostnote community. Feel free to contribute and submit pull requests!

For more on the app got to http://www.ghostnoteapp.com

How to use:

You can use the scripts in any way you want. If you want to use them with Ghostnote, follow these steps.

  1. Open Ghostnote.
  2. Click the settings gear to show the menu.
  3. Choose Scripts, then choose "View Application Scripts Folder".
  4. Copy the scripts in this repo under the applescript folder into the folder opened in the previous step.
  5. You are now using the bleeding edge document retrieval strategies for Ghostnote.

NOTE: If you made changes to the scripts in the Applcation Scripts folder previously, the steps above would overwrite them. Also, if you choose install document support from the Ghostnote settings menu, it will overwrite with the versions that were included in the last release, and may not be the latest.

How can I add support for an app?

  Ghostnote looks for scripts that are named after the bundle id
  of the application they run for. For example Safari uses 
  "com.apple.Safari". These names are case sensitive, and much be
  an exact match.
  So to add support for an app "Foo" you must find it's bundle id.
  A script elsewhere in this repo is provided that will display
  the bundle id for a selected app.
  if the bundle is of Foo is com.bar.Foo then the script should be named
  (NOTE: The current version of Ghostnote uses .scpt
  as the script extension, but this was a mistake, the included scripts
  are acutally plain text and should be .applescript. Versions after 1.2
  will migrate existing scripts to the new extension, and old ones will
  not be recognized)

 Now that you have an empty script named correctly, you must implement
 the strategy. How to do this varies by the app and their support for
 scripting. Some apps have excellent scripting support, such as MS Office
 apps, while others have none.
 We hope for Foo to have an AppleScript dictionary. Having a dictionary
 means Foo supports some level of scriipting natively.

How to customize scripts ?

  Choose the script you want to customize and open it in your facorite
  editor. (I prefer AppleScript editor.) You can do anything
  inside the script, but make sure the implicit run handler
  returns a (hopefully correct) document name.