
This application moves data from one Mysql database to another. It is faster and more robust than mysqldump utility, has ability to move data in parallel threads with retries.

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

MySQL Data Mover

This application moves data from one Mysql database to another. It is faster and more robust than mysqldump utility, has ability to move data in parallel threads with retries.

Application read tables metadata from source MySql database, then generates ReadCommand objects for data ranges, based on table primary key columns, and put them into queue.

Several SourceDataReader instances process ReadCommands in parallel, generate InsertCommand objects with table rows data and put them into another queue.

At last, several SourceDataPublisher instances process InsertCommands in parallel and insert data into destination Mysql database.

Such decomposition brings ability to add retries for every command and make application more robust.


  • All application aspects are configurable.
  • For tables without primary keys, data range include all table rows.
  • Application has ability to move database schema (tables, views, routines) from source to destination database at the beginning.

How to run

  • Publish project to the desired destination, eg. ./output:
dotnet publish --configuration Release --output ./output "./src/Dodo.DataMover/Dodo.DataMover.csproj"
  • Create appsettings.local.json file at the ./output folder, you may get this file as template.
  • Run application
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=local dotnet ./output/Dodo.DataMover.dll

How to run single-binary version

In single-binary distribution, ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT variable will not work.

You can run the app with ConfigurationFilePath command line argument

./Dodo.DataMover DataMover__ConfigurationFilePath=<path>

.. or environment variable:

DataMover__ConfigurationFilePath=<path> ./Dodo.DataMover

The path to json config file can be relative to the working directory or rooted (full path).


You may pass configuration options via environment variables or command line arguments, but more preferable way is using appsettings.json configuration file.

Alternative ways to set configuration

Configuration is loaded in the following order, later setting overrides preceeding:

  • appsettings.json
  • appsettings.$ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT.json (optional)
  • Custom json file, specified with DataMover__ConfigurationFilePath command line argument or environment variable.
  • Environment variables
  • Command line arguments

In case of single-binary distribution, there is no way to specify appsettings.json or appsettings.$ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT.json. In this case it is preferrable to use the DataMover__ConfigurationFilePath setting to specify the file configuration file.

For command line and environment notation please refer to: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/fundamentals/configuration/?view=aspnetcore-3.1

You may use appsettings.local.template.json as template for you configuration. All configuration settings combined in DataMover object.

The following table lists the configurable parameters and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
RetryInitialDelaySeconds Initial delay before linear backoff for command retries 3
RetryCount Max retry count before application raise error 5
ReadConcurrency Number of parallel read tasks 1
InsertConcurrency Number of parallel insert tasks 1
ReadBatchSize Number of rows to read per one read command. Insert rows batch size depends on table columns count, and limited by MaxInsertQueryParametersCount insert parameters. 5000
MaxInsertQueryParametersCount Maximum number of insert parameters at the insert batch statement. 10000
JobTimeoutMinutes Maximum application execution time before failing by timeout 600
Limit Maximum number of rows to move from each table null
LimitOverrides Map, where key - regex to select table, and value - maximum number of rows to move for this table. For example, "deliverylocalitiesstreets": 200000 {}
InsertCommandTimeoutSeconds Insert command timeout 30
DataReadCommandTimeoutSeconds Read command timeout 30
SchemaReadCommandTimeoutSeconds Schema read command timeout 60
DropDatabase If true, then drop destination database first false
IncludeTableRegexes Array of regular expressions, to include tables for moving data, has priority against ExcludeTableRegexes parameter []
ExcludeTableRegexes Array of regular expressions, to exclude tables from moving data []
InsertIgnore If true, then use INSERT IGNORE statement and ignore duplicate PK errors in inserting false
SqlMode May contain string with comma separated sql modes, for example STRICT_ALL_TABLES. Do not set it at config, if you want null value. null
DebugDelaySeconds Delay for debug purposes, used in schema read and insert operations 0
SkipColumnsRegexes Map, where key - regex to select table, and value - array of column names, which values will be skipped. For example, "supplycomposition": ["ModifiedUserId"] {}
DatabaseCollation Override destination database collation. If not set, source database collation is used. null
DatabaseCharacterSet Override destination database character set. If not set, source database character set is used. null
CreateSchema If true, then create schema (tables, views, routines, triggers) on destination database. true
ConnectionStrings.Src Required Connection string to source database null
ConnectionStrings.Dst Required Connection string to destination database null

How to develop

  • Run ./run-docker-compose.sh and you will have two running Mysql instances (mysql-data-mover-src and mysql-data-mover-dst)
  • Copy src/Dodo.DataMover/appsettings.local.template.json into src/Dodo.DataMover/appsettings.local.json, tune application settings
  • Set environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=local in your IDE
  • Run Dodo.DataMover application from IDE
  • See application log in Terminal
  • Connect to mysql-data-mover-dst Mysql database on 33061 port and check if data was moved as you expected.

How to test

There are two kinds of tests in project:

  • Unit tests at Dodo.DataMover.Tests. You may run them manually. Also unit tests run at Docker image build step (ex. ./run-build-image.sh build local-run).
  • Integration tests are available at run-integration-tests.sh script, can be run manually and as step of GitHub Actions pipeline.