
Simple serialization library for modern C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Simple serialization library for modern C++ (C++20).

Basic Usage

A full basic example can be seen in examples/basic.cpp.

#include "deserialize.hpp"
#include "serialize.hpp"
#include "simple.hpp"

// Serialization
MyType object = ...;
std::ofstream fos{<file>};
serialize::SimpleStreamSerializer s{fos};
serialize::serialize(s, object);

// Deserialization
std::ifstream fis{<file>};
serialize::SimpleStreamDeserializer d{fis};
auto secondObject = serialize::deserialize<MyType>(d);

Supported Types

  • All standard C++ fundamental types (bool, char, float, etc.)
  • Common STL container types (std::vector, std::map, etc.)
  • Other common STL types (std::chrono::duration, std::atomic, std::optional, std::variant, etc.)
  • Any aggregate type containing only supported types (see examples/aggregate.cpp)
  • Any other type (via custom serialization/deserialization functions, see below)

Custom Type Support

Additional types can be supported by one of the ways listed below.

The implementation for the serialization and deserialization do not have to match, e.g. serialization can be supported via a member function and deserialization via a static class function.

Member Function

For serialization, needs to provide a publicly accessible member function with following signature:

<unused> Type::serialize(concept::Serializer&) const;

For deserialization, the required publicly accessible function has following signature:

<unused> Type::deserialize(concept::Deserializer&);

An example type providing member function (de-)serialization can be seen in examples/member.cpp.

Static Class Function

The signature for the publicly accessible serialization function is as follows:

static <unused> Type::serialize(concept::Serializer&, const Type&);

The signature for the publicly accessible deserialization function is as follows:

static <unused> Type::deserialize(concept::Deserializer&, Type&);

An example type providing static type function (de-)serialization can be seen in examples/static.cpp.

Structured Bindings

Any type which can be assigned from/to a tuple of only (de-)serializable types can automatically be (de-)serialized, see examples/aggregate.cpp.

Supported Serializers

  • Simple (simple.hpp): Uses the underlying iostreams read and write functions.
  • BitPacking (bit_packing.hpp): Compresses integral values with exponential Golomb.
  • BytePacking (byte_packing.hpp): Uses a custom byte-based compression algorithm.
  • TypeSafe (type_safe.hpp): Wrapper around other (de-)serializers adding and verifying type-information in the serialized stream (see examples/type_safe.cpp).

Custom Serializers

Any type which adheres to the serialize::Serializer concept can be used as serializer. A Serializer type needs to provide member write(T) functions accepting all fundamental C++ types and additionally a flush() function.

Adhering to the additional serialize::ByteSerializer concept can improve serialization performance for larger buffers. To fulfill the ByteSerializer concept, an additional publicly accessible member function write(size_t, std::span<std::byte>) needs to be implemented.

Any type which adheres to the serialize::Deserializer concept can be used as deserializer. A Deserializer type needs to implement publicly accessible read(T&) member functions accepting all fundamental C++ types.

See examples/custom.cpp for an example on how to implement custom (de-)serializers.