
Responsive Units we already know

  • rem, em
  • vw, vh
  • %
    we also know we can calculate with them:
  • calc(100% - 2rem + 15vh)

Media Queries you might want to know about

  • width: 600px / min-width / max-width
  • aspect-ratio: 4/3 / min-aspect-ratio / max-aspect-ratio
  • orientation : landscape, portrait
  • resolution: 150dpi / min-resolution / max-resolution
  • prefers-color-scheme: dark, light
  • prefers-reduced-motion
  • prefers-contrast: no-preference, more, less
  • any-pointer: none, coarse, fine

Links to inform yourself

Responsive Design

Beginners Guide to Media Queries

Using Media Queries

Responsive Images

Picture Element