OpenEmbedded/Yocto BSP layer for SolidRun's iMX8M Plus & Nano based platforms

This layer provides support for SolidRun's iMX8M Plus & Nano based platforms for use with OpenEmbedded and Yocto Freescale's BSP layer.


  1. Create working folder for sources and build files:

     $ mkdir imx-yocto
     $ cd imx-yocto
  2. Get NXP Ycoto sources(require repo app):

     $ repo init -u -b kirkstone-imx8m -m sr-imx-5.15.71-2.2.0.xml
     $ repo sync
  3. Add the meta-solidrun-arm-imx8 layer (curent git repository) into the sources directory, the directory layout should be like this:

    ├── sources
    │   	├── base
    │   	├── meta-browser
    │   	├── meta-freescale
    │   	├── meta-freescale-3rdparty
    │   	├── meta-freescale-distro
    │   	├── meta-fsl-bsp-release
    │   	├── meta-hailo
    │   	├── meta-openembedded
    │   	├── meta-qt5
    │   	├── meta-rust
    │   	├── meta-solidrun-arm-imx8
    │   	├── meta-timesys
    │   	└── poky
    ├── downloads
    └── ...

  4. Configure target machine and distro:

    MACHINE Description
    imx8mpsolidrun All i.MX8M Plus based products
    solidsensen8 SolidSense N8

    Select appropriate machine from the table above, and set in environment:

    # E.g. imx8mpsolidrun:
    DISTRO Description
    fsl-imx-fb NXP Distro with Framebuffer Graphics
    fsl-imx-wayland NXP Distro with Wayland Graphics
    fsl-imx-x11 NXP Distro with X11 Graphics
    fsl-imx-xwayland NXP Distro with Wayland Graphics with X11 Compatibility

    While NXP supports multiple graphical systems, "fsl-imx-xwayland" is recommended for greatest compatibility. New designs should consider "fsl-imx-wayland" without X11 compatibility:

    # E.g. fsl-imx-xwayland

    Configure machine, distro and create build environment: After running the following commands, you need to accept the EULA (scrool down and run "y")

  5. Build Yocto image by running the first, which is a minimal image (lacks firmwares) and then second which is full image including demos: (The following command can take several hours)

    $ bitbake core-image-minimal $ bitbake imx-image-full $ bitbake imx-hailo-demo-image

The image will be ready at tmp/deploy/images/imx8mpsolidrun and should look as follow:




To flash the image to a micro SD run -

zstd -d -c tmp/deploy/images/imx8mpsolidrun/imx-image-full-imx8mpsolidrun.wic.zst | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=1M

Or for a multi-core machine this can done faster using

pzstd -d -c tmp/deploy/images/imx8mpsolidrun/imx-image-full-imx8mpsolidrun.wic.zst | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync

(Notice that /dev/sdX is the block device points to your micro SD)

Instructions for building under docker container

Since this release of Yocto doesn't support latest disribution releases the following instructions provides information how to build under a container.

When performing this the following is valid -

  1. The contained build environment and the user's workdir is shared under same UID and GUID
  2. The user can build inside the container, but deploy on a micro SD, eMMC or anything else outside of the container.

Create a new image called yocto-build-image based on ubuntu-18.04

Follow the commands below to; first clone this branch and run the following command only once -

cd docker
docker build --tag yocto-build-image:latest .

Spin a container and mount your working directory into it

docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD":/home/build/work/imx8mp/ yocto-build-image:latest /bin/bash
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
chmod a+x repo

and then follow the above instructions on how to build (Notice that /home//work/imx8mp directory now is shared between the container and the outside deplelopment environment)

Performance increase building source with LTO enabled

To achieve better performance on the platform you can enable building the source with LTO (Link Time Optimization) enabled. To do this add the following lines to your local.conf

require conf/distro/include/
DISTRO_FEATURES:append = " lto"

Include NetworkManager and ModemManager for network control

If you prefer to use NetworkManager and ModemManager rather than the default Yocto configuration of connman and ofono please add the following snippet to your local.conf IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += " ofono connman connman-gnome connman-conf" IMAGE_INSTALL_remove += " packagegroup-core-tools-testapps" PACKAGE_EXCLUDE += "ofono connman connman-gnome connman-conf" PACKAGE_EXCLUDE += "connman-client connman-tools" PACKAGE_EXCLUDE += "packagegroup-core-tools-testapps" DISTRO_FEATURES_remove = " 3g" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " networkmanager networkmanager-nmcli modemmanager" IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " networkmanager-bash-completion" PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-networkmanager = " modemmanager ppp"

Enabling Mender

You can enable mender OTA with these steps:

  1. Add mender-core to bblayers.conf:

    BBLAYERS += "${BSPDIR}/sources/meta-mender/meta-mender-core"

  2. Configure mender. You can find sample configuration in conf/sample/local.conf.mender.sample