
Connects an Raspberry Pi running faasd to the Apollo platform.


If you haven't got the Rust toolchain installed already, take a look at the official Getting started page.

Unless you are compiling on the target device directly, the following is required:

  • cross is needed for cross compilation (install with cargo install cross).
  • Docker or Podman is required for cross.
  • Ruby to use the provided Rakefile.

Also take a look at the dependencies section of cross and make sure you meet the requirements.

Currently rake tasks uses ssh to deploy the compiled binaries to the target device, so make sure the device is accessible.


Choose between the following options to set up the edge-connector on a Raspberry Pi.

Option 1: Cross compile

The recommended option is to cross compile the binary on you current development setup for the architecture of the target device.

The target device, Raspberry Pi or similar, should be running faasd and be reachable over the network. Make sure to have ssh access to the device. If you are not using a certificate for connecting, you'll be asked to enter a password.

The run task will fetch the access key for faasd and compile the binary. Note that the value of the key is compiled into the binary and must match the device running it, otherwise the edge-connector will not function correctly. It also automatically deploys the binary and runs it on the device. To execute the task, insert your Pi's address and run the following command:

RPI="<IP or DNS name>" rake run

Option 2: Compile on device

If you chose to compile the project directly on the device, Raspberry Pi or similar, make sure you have got the Rust installed. The device should be running faasd.

Copy the faasd access key in a file named faas-key, which can be found at /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-password. You can use the following command to create the file: sudo cat /var/lib/faasd/secrets/basic-auth-password > faas-key.

Compile the code using the following command:

cargo build --release

The finished binary can be found in the target folder. Alternatively, you can use cargo run to directly execute the program.


Refer to the rpi-serverless repository on how to utilize device running edge-connector for the Apollo Platform.