
Speed up your local Unity 3D builds by a factor of 4!

Primary LanguageC#


fork这个项目,是因为我第一份游戏开发工作用的u3d开发页游,在实际环境中运行的时候总是莫名崩溃,说是申请8MB内存失败。 其实就是因为打包后的字典需求内存空间8MB,而我们项目的动态资源包非常多,所以就崩溃了。。。 怕作者删掉项目,而我暂时用不上,因此fork

How to use

  1. Rename your C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Tools\lzma.exe to lzma_real.exe. You can also make a separate backup to a safe place if you wish.
  2. Copy lzma.exe from the "windows binaries" directory (or your custom build from sources) into your Unity3D tools folder
       System.Console.WriteLine("\nUsage:  LZMA <e|d> [<switches>...] inputFile outputFile\n" +
        	"  e: encode file\n" +
        	"  d: decode file\n" +
        	"  b: Benchmark\n" +
        	"<Switches>\n" +
        	// "  -a{N}:  set compression mode - [0, 1], default: 1 (max)\n" +
        	"  -d{N}:  set dictionary - [0, 29], default: 23 (8MB)\n" +
        	"  -fb{N}: set number of fast bytes - [5, 273], default: 128\n" +
        	"  -lc{N}: set number of literal context bits - [0, 8], default: 3\n" +
        	"  -lp{N}: set number of literal pos bits - [0, 4], default: 0\n" +
        	"  -pb{N}: set number of pos bits - [0, 4], default: 2\n" +
        	"  -mf{MF_ID}: set Match Finder: [bt2, bt4], default: bt4\n" +
        	"  -eos:   write End Of Stream marker\n"
        	// + "  -si:    read data from stdin\n"
        	// + "  -so:    write data to stdout\n"


A log file will be written to lzma_call_cli_arguments_log.txt within the Tools directory where you can have a look at the command line parameters which Unity3D used to call lzma.exe. You can also find the elapsed time of the compression there.

How does it work?

Whenever Unity3D uses LZMA compression, the "fake" lzma.exe from this Speedup Project will substitute Unity3Ds max-compression parameters (for e.g. -fb372) to those which provide fastest compression (-a0 -d0 -mt4 -fb5 -mc0 -lc0 -pb0 -mfbt2).

This interceptor can speed up compressing the build by a factor of 4!

---> Important: Speed don't come for free: Compression rate will be worst, only use it in your local development environment! <---

Unity3D Versions

Tested with Unity 3.4 and Unity 3.5 on Windows


Follow me on Twitter @derFunk! Let me know if this little project helped you saving time, and if you experienced even better speedup factors.