Repository of the qfriend website hosted here, qfriend.
- Run
- Go to the address localhost:3000
- `gulp` run web app in development mode
- `gulp ios` run iOS app in development mode
- `gulp android` run Android app in development mode
- `gulp -p` run web app in production mode
- `gulp -f` run web app in development mode, but only browser source rebuilds on file changes
- `gulp jest` run jest tests
- `gulp jest-watch` continuous test running for TDD
- `gulp eslint` eslint
- `gulp eslint –fix` fix fixable eslint issues
- `gulp messages-extract` extract messages for translation
- `gulp messages-check` check missing and unused translations
- `gulp messages-clear` remove unused translations
- `gulp favicon` create universal favicon
- `gulp build -p` build app for production
- `npm test` run all checks and tests
- `node src/server` start app, remember to set NODE_ENV
- `gulp to-html` render app to HTML for static hosting like Firebase
- `gulp deploy-heroku` deploy Heroku app
- `gulp deploy-firebase` deploy Firebase app
- `gulp deploy-firebase-database` deploy Firebase database only
Based on the work of Daniel Steigerwald and the Este community.