./mvnw clean install
This builds a fat jar in: blink1-library/target/blink1-library-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Examples that use the library can be found in the blink1-examples module
you can run an example from the command line (after building) with:
./run-example.sh Example<n>
(where <n>
is: 0, 1, 2 or 3)
./run-example.sh Example0
Looking for blink(1) devices...
blink(1)s found:
i:0 serial:37ec9b94
There's also a basic program to turn off the blink1 or set it to a specific RGB value:
./run-example.sh OnOffColor
Turning off blink1.
./run-example.sh OnOffColor 255 0 0
Setting R(255)G(0)B(0) on blink1
./run-example.sh OnOffColor 255 bad 255
One or more of the rgb params is not a number between 0 and 255: r(255), g(bad), b(255)
These "toy" or "test" applications for just playing around with your blink(1):
BlinkATweet -- Watch real-time Twitter stream for keywords, flash blink(1) when found.
Download: (Mac OSX) / (Windows) -
Blink1ColorOrgan -- Sound-reactive program, music-to-color, instant disco! Download: (Mac OSX) / (Windows)
Blink1ColorPicker -- Play with blink(1) select colors. Download: (Mac OSX), (Windows)
Blink1Test0 -- a very simple random-color app. Download: (Mac OSX) / (Windows)