- 1
Account update don't work as expected
#134 opened by H7-25 - 6
- 2
Testing needs work
#105 opened by tjstebbing - 1
Some API need the final slash in the URL
#128 opened by H7-25 - 6
mysql feature proposal
#115 opened by georgeartem - 1
auto subtract fees wen sending a payment
#84 opened by qlpqlp - 2
Outgoing payment fees too small
#85 opened by tjstebbing - 1
account affected
#116 opened by tjstebbing - 1
balance update
#95 opened by tjstebbing - 1
Latest Pull ALTER TABLE payment Error + PayTo: pq: unexpected Parse response 'C'
#123 opened by qlpqlp - 3
ability to set AML flags for large transactions
#121 opened by georgeartem - 6
Multisig Support for Custodial Services
#118 opened by qlpqlp - 15
- 4
Multiple payout targets
#113 opened by tjstebbing - 2
Set expired dates to invoices
#112 opened by qlpqlp - 2
- 1
Invoice field issues
#92 opened by tjstebbing - 1
add expire date to invoice
#83 opened by qlpqlp - 0
Config option for BLOCKS_PER_COMMIT
#109 opened by qlpqlp - 4
How to build and deploy?
#46 opened by paulVu - 1
Payout Stuck
#107 opened by qlpqlp - 0
- 2
Create Invoice Confirmations
#106 opened by qlpqlp - 2
Invoice field "confirmations" is confusing
#87 opened by raffecat - 1
- 0
No event if a Paid Invoice gets rolled back
#89 opened by raffecat - 0
No event for when a payment is confirmed
#88 opened by raffecat - 0
No error logged if Core rejects a transaction
#86 opened by raffecat - 1
Why not just use timestamp for initiated field in the DogeConnect: Payment Protocol
#6 opened by ithinco - 0
test issue
#7 opened by tjstebbing - 2
#1 opened by cuizhaojin