
Typst styled badges, boxes and menu items.

Primary LanguageTypstMIT LicenseMIT


This package defines some colourful badges and boxes around text that represent user interface actions such as a click or following a menu.

For examples have a look at the example main.typ, main.pdf.



#badge-gray("Gray badge"),
#badge-red("Red badge"),
#badge-yellow("Yellow badge"),
#badge-green("Green badge"),
#badge-blue("Blue badge"),
#badge-purple("Purple badge")

User interface actions

This is a user interface action (ie. a click):

#ui-action("Click X")

This is an action to follow a user interface menu (2 steps):

#menu(("File", "New File..."))

This is a menu action with multiple steps:

#menu(("Menu", "Sub-menu", "Sub-sub menu", "Action"))