
Curated list of color palette semi-automatic and AI-powered generators, and other alternatives.

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Awesome Color Palette Choice

A curated list of color palette semi-automatic and AI-powered generators, and other alternatives. To find what you need faster, use Ctrl-F to search for any of following keywords:

  • Target application or showcase type: data (science, visualization), map, website, UI (desktop, etc.), other.
  • Export: CSS, SCSS, JSON.

How to use generated/chosen palettes in UI

If your intention is UI and you're not already a designer, please do not ignore this general piece of advice. It takes only 5 minutes to read, have a high signal/noise ratio and have no annoyances (ads):


Palettes are generated automagically or with AI. Usually you still can (sometimes must) specify a color to force such a tool to generate palettes around the provided color.

  • Colormind — Automatic, deep-learned on photographs, movies, and popular art. Showcases: website.
  • Coolors.co — A highly polished generator (other).
  • Huemint — Applications: website, other (brand, gradient, illustration).
  • Palx — Application: UI, data visualization.
  • Strapless — Application: CSS. Showcases: itself (website).
  • Tailwind Ink — Application: CSS (website).


Palettes provided by users and their votes.

Curated Collections

Palettes created/curated by single man, single team, etc.

Color wheel

Traditional ideas are used: color wheel, color harmony, complementary colors, triad, tetrad, etc.

  • Adobe Color — Most polished in this category (in my opinion). (other).
  • Paletton.com — Best previewing (in my opinion). Showcases: website, other (artwork, fabric, animation).
  • Color Calculator — Unspecialized (other).

Other approaches (geometric, spatial, etc.)

No choice

No need to be special and original? Go with the color palette that works.

  • Open Color — A single but especially robust color scheme (other).

Unsorted (yet)

Other awesome lists


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