
template for working purposes

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Node Express TypeScript Template

This template works like an template server that you can just add stuff and still work. It should be connected to a mobile Flutter App.

List of techs used:

  • Node
  • Express.JS
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase Auth
  • PostgreSQL

How to make it run

Setup Firebase

You'll find on the auth_service.ts something like this:

import admin from "firebase-admin";
import { config } from "../config/config";

  credential: admin.credential.cert({
    projectId: config.firebaseProjectId,
    privateKey: config.firebasePrivateKey,
    clientEmail: config.firebaseClientEmail,

export const authService = admin.auth();

Fill the variables in the .env file, aaand you're ready to go! Firebase projectId, privateKey and clientEmail you should find it on the Firebase Console. In the Service Accounts section you can generate a new private key.

NOTE: You should already have PostgreSQL installed and running as a service. Fill the .env variables with the correct data.

Happy coding!