
How To Reproduce

  1. Clone this project
  2. Open ASPNET5StaticFilesBug.sln using Visual Studio 2015 RC
  3. Setup "Empty" as a startup project
  4. Ctrl + F5
  5. Browse to the "/Project_Readme.html" page. It will show up "Hello World!".
  6. Then switch back to Visual Studio 2015. Setup "WebAPI" as a startup project.
  7. Ctrl + F5
  8. Then switch back to Visual Studio 2015. Setup "Empty" as a startup project.
  9. Ctrl + F5
  10. Browse to the "/Project_Readme.html" page. It will show up "Project_Readme.html" content.

Problem Description

I don't include the "Microsoft.AspNet.StaticFiles" package in my "Empty" project. The "Project_Readme.html" content should never be displayed.