GFM extension


  • terms

    1. header row
      - top row
    2. delimiter row
  • use

    • basic

      | name | age |  
      | ---- | --- |  
      | junho | 21 |  
    • using (:)

      | name | age |  
      | :-: | ---------: |  
      | junho | 21 |       
  • escaping (|)

    | f\|oo |
    | ----- |  
    | b`\|` az |  

    | -> |
    `\|` -> <code>|<code>

  • break condition

    table is broken at the first empty line, or beginning of another block-level structure

  • precautions

    The header row must match the delimiter row in the number of cells.

    | abc | def |  
    | --- |  
    | bar |  
    • this is treated as paragraph
  • exception

    • fewer than header row:
      - empty cells are inserted.
    • greater than header row:
      - the excess is ignored
    • no rows
      - no <tbody> is generated in HTML output

task list items

  • term
    1. task list items
      - check box
  • use
    • basic

      - [ ] walk dog   
      - [x] do homework  
    • nested

      - [x] today homework  
        - [ ] math  
        - [ ] english  
      - [ ] take a walk  


  • term

    1. strikethrough
  • use

    • basic

      ~~Hi~~ Hello, World!

  • caution

    new paragraph will cause strikethrough parsing to cease

    This ~~ has a  
    new paragraph~~.  


Disallowed Raw HTML

GFM enables the tagfilter extention But, some HTML tag is not allowed

  • <title>

  • <textarea>

  • <style>

  • <xmp>

  • <iframe>

  • <noembed>

  • <noframes>

  • <script>

  • <plaintext>

    <strong> <title> <style> <em>
      <xmp> is disallowed.  <XMP> is also disallowed.

    <p><strong> &lt;title> &lt;style> <em></p>
    &lt;xmp> is disallowed. &lt;XMP> is also disallowed.