
This example was written in an extremely simple way so even non-PHP developers could understand it. Basically we're only creating a bunch of arrays, POST-ing them to PAP's API as a JSONs and iterating over the response. Please check out the files in ./example/ folder.

Primary LanguagePHP

Post Affiliate Pro (PAP) PHP Example


This example was written in an extremely simple way so even non-PHP developers could understand it. Basically we're only creating a bunch of arrays, POST-ing them to PAP's API as a JSONs and iterating over the response. Please check out the files in ./example/ folder.

Note that you can always read more in an official Knowledge base.

Download this example

You don't need to use composer. Just clone this repo like so:

$ mkdir /var/www/pap-api-php_example
$ git clone https://github.com/dognet-network/pap-api-php_example.git

Initial setup

After cloning create a copy of sample configuration file:

$ cp ./example/includes/_credentials.sample.php ./example/includes/_credentials.php

Update _credentials.php with own credentials:


return [
   'username' => 'my_username',
   'password' => 'my_pasword',
   'roleType' => 'M', // account type, M = merchant, A = affiliate/publisher

We assume you already have some PHP installed. If not, just run:

sudo apt install php7.3-common php7.3-curl php7.3-cli -y

Run an example script

Now just execute one of two example files. Let's say we're searching transactions:

php ./example/pap-search_transaction.php

or we want to approve some transaction's status:

php ./example/pap-transaction_approve.php

Please refer to either file to see comments.