A bare minimum repo, with Webpack 4, Babel 7 and Custom Elements
- Support both v0 and v1 specs of custom elements on all modern browsers + IE11
- Using the battle-tested WebReflections/document-register-element polyfill
- Babel 7, which supports transpiled code for browser with native Custom Elements support
- Webpack 4 with bare minimum configuration + webpack-html-plugin
- Sass with theme support
> npm install && npm run start
- You will need to add a few more things for a large, production ready project
- Testing framework
- Linting tooling for js, css, etcs
- Configuration management (env variables, dev, prod, test, etc)
- Baked in ServiceWorker and PWA support
- Modern (chrome, ff, safari, edge) + legacy (ie11) builds, using script type=module + safari fix
- Conventional commits + changelog generation
- Consider using a wrapper around Custom Elements like WebReflections/hyperhtml-element
- CustomElements are pretty low level and require a lot of DOM knowledge
- hyperhtml-element provides a jsx-like developer experience, using only pure ES2015+ template literals
- Written by the same guy who wrote the polyfill, so you can be sure they work well together
- Support for Server Side Rendering using viper-html if that's a thing you care about