
A Clojure library for accessing the HipChat v2 API.

Primary LanguageClojureBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


A Clojure library for accessing the HipChat v2 API.

Implementation Progress

This README is updated with the implementation of each new endpoint!

  • Emoticons 2/2
  • Rooms 17/24
  • Users 1/13
  • OAuth Sessions 0/3

Also on the list of planned features:

  • Rate-limit detection and handling
  • Title expansion where supported in the HipChat api.


Getting Started


Add the following to the :dependencies block of your project.clj

Clojars Project

Alternatively, you can require chiphat from the REPL like so:

(require '[chiphat.core :as ch]
         '[chiphat.rooms :as room])
;; etc.


HipChat uses token based authentication for their api. Before attempting to use this library please make sure you have your api token (you can get one by going here).

With your api token in hand, you may now authenticate all future requests by calling set-token! in the main namespace of your application.

(ns sample.app.core
  (:require [chiphat.core :as hc]))

(hc/set-token! "your-api-token-here")

Alternatively, if you'd like to authenticate only a few api calls, you may do so with the with-token macro.

(ns sample.app.core
  (:require [chiphat.core :as hc]))

(hc/with-token (atom "your-api-token-here")
  (println "your api requests here"))

Interacting with the HipChat API

Simple requests

Required parameters for a request are passed in to each function in order. Say for example you wanted to create a room, you would pass in the room name directly to the function like so:

(room/create "my room")
;;=> #<core$promise$reify__6709@33f0df40: :pending>

But what if you wanted to give that room a topic name as well? In these situations an optional map is passed in to the function:

(room/create "my room" {:topic "a place for me to discuss things."
                        :guest_access true})
;;=> #<core$promise$reify__6709@738a2911: :pending>

Getting values out of a response

All requests in the Chiphat library are implemented using http-kit. To provide flexibility to the developer, simple requests are not destructured but instead returned as promises. To get a response from your requests, a convenience function is provided to get a map of the response.

(ns sample.app.core
  (:use clojure.pprint)
  (:require [chiphat.core :as hc]
            [chiphat.rooms :as room]))

(hc/with-token (atom "your api token")
  (let [my-room (room/create "my room")]
    (pprint (hc/parse-response my-room))))
;;=> {:id 977342,
;;    :links {:self "https://api.hipchat.com/v2/room/977342"}}


Tests are implemented with the clojure.test runner and can be run with lein test (or from the REPL with something like (clojure.test/run-tests 'chiphat.core-test))


This project is BSD licensed, so, contribute away!

Examples of contributions include:

  • Documentation additions, corrections, and improvements
  • Code for new features, bug fixes, etc
  • Bug reports

The preferred method for contribution is to fork this repository and make your changes in a new branch. Branch names should be descriptive of the changes that you are implementing.

When you feel that your changes are ready to be merged, make a Pull Request to the master branch.

Note: please do not submit pull requests that implement code changes without first updating the relevant tests!


Copyright © 2014-2015 Fernando Freire

Distributed under the BSD-3 License.