
Deprecated, see new config here https://github.com/dogonthehorizon/dotfiles-nvim

Primary LanguageVim Script

dotfiles-vim Generic

DEPRECATED: see the following repo for nvim config. https://github.com/dogonthehorizon/dotfiles-nvim

This repo contains my personal vim and gvim configurations. They are provided as is!

If you have any questions or issues please file a ticket here.


  • Vim >= 8.0 or greater along with the following features:
    • +python3
    • node>=v11.x.x
  • The vim-instant-markdown node plugin installed
    • npm install -g instant-markdown-d
  • haskell-ide-engine for Haskell completion
  • yarn
  • Recommended, but not necessary, are the following enhancements
    • A patched font for vim-airline (Lokaltog's powerline-fonts do the trick).


Quick Start

If you're impatient, and you trust me, you can run this setup script. Note that this will move whatever you already have in .vim into .vim-backup.

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dogonthehorizon/dotfiles-vim/master/init.sh)"

Manual Installation

If you'd like to take things at your own pace, the following commands be run individually to get you all set up.

# Clone the repo to your ~/.vim directory
git clone https://github.com/dogonthehorizon/dotfiles-vim.git ~/.vim

# Create symlinks for your vim and gvim configs
ln -s ~/.vim/vimrc ~/.vimrc && ln -s ~/.vim/gvimrc ~/.gvimrc

# Switch into `~/.vim` and initialize submodules
cd ~/.vim && git submodule update --init

# Build the vimproc binary
cd ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start/vimproc && make

Adding new plugins

cd ~/.vim
# Don't forget to add the path at the end of this command to ensure
# that it ends up in the `pack/bundle/start` dir.
git submodule add https://example.com/repo.vim pack/bundle/start/repo

# In order to sync between all machines you will need to run this on each
# other machine from the one that added the plugin.
cd ~/.vim && git submodule update --init

Updating plugins

cd ~/.vim
git submodule foreach git pull origin master