
Primary LanguageJavaScript

// assessment #4 - MERN-QL

// You must complete the assessment by the beginning of class Tuesday // September 21th @ 10:00am est. Handed in via github classroom: https://classroom.github.com/a/UoxAtcd- // Once finished, please book your code review with me via the following link: https://calendly.com/patrick-morgan-bkny/c136-assessment-4 // AND email or DM me that you have finished and merged your final branch

// Section One: Climate Action 101 // Focused => User Oriented, User Friendly, Developer Friendly, Stability, Completion

// Purpose: Create a full-stack application with user authentication created with Node, React, Express, GraphQL & Apollo, Mongoose & Mongodb, Jest & Mocha & Chai & Enzyme. // that allows users to post and upvote or downvote climate issues.

// This is a fully functional front-end and back-end application including a persistent database and user authentication. // It will push you to create a fully responsive user-driven application.

// Getting Started: // Step-1: Plan It // Create a component tree mock up or wireframe outlining your project, include all associated // directories, external node modules, routes, schemas, programs you will need ... etc. Screenshot/videocast/gif or hand these // in via your PR or assets folder.

// Step-2: Backend Routes & ORM // Using Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB, GraphQL, Apollo, and Postman create all CRUD routes // Follow TDD by testing only ONE router using Mocha and Chai, I will leave the database and query design up to you. // Screenshot, videocast/screen-record, or gif these routes working and include them in your PR or assets folder.

// Step-3: Consuming Your API Client Side // Within a Client folder create a font end application using React.js that allows for: // A login/signup page that is required to visit any part of the application. // A web page that shows a list of climate issues. // Each issue will have a title. // Each issue will have a description. // Each issue can be upvoted or downvoted. // Users should only be able to upvote/downvote once per issue. // Issues will be ordered by upvotes (the most being at the top). // Each issue should show the total number of votes. // Include a page that will allow logged-in users to add new issues. // Include a page that will allow logged-in users to view all issues they personally made. // Users can comment on issues (unlimited number of comments per issue). // Follow TDD by testing some components with Jest, try for at least one non-shallow render. Look for places you would want to // add documentation (https://jestjs.io/docs/tutorial-react, https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2020/06/practical-guide-testing-react-applications-jest/)

// Step-4: Styling // Make you entire application fully-styled and responsive per the past requirements.

// Outcome: // A login/signup page that is required to visit any part of the application. // A web page that shows a list of climate issues. // Each issue will have a title. // Each issue will have a description. // Each issue can be upvoted or downvoted. // Users should only be able to upvote/downvote once per issue. // Issues will be ordered by upvotes (the most being at the top). // Each issue should show the total number of votes // Include a page that will allow logged-in users to add new issues. // Include a page that will allow logged-in users to view all issues they personally made. // Users can comment on issues (unlimited number of comments per post) // You will create a back end so that all topics, comments, and votes are persistent. // Use React for the front-end // Use Node/Express for the back-end // Use MongoDB and Mongoose for your database and models // Use GraphQL & Apollo for querying // Use dotenv, jsonwebtoken, expressJwt, & bcrypt to manage user authentication // The application must be fully styled & responsive

// Suggestions:

// Models // Consider making the following models: // User.js // Issue.js (related to the user that created it) // Comment.js (related to the issue it was commented on, and related to the user that created the comment)

// Context // Due to the amount of functionality, consider using 2 context providers. One that manages the authentication/user functionality of the app, // and another that manages the issues and comments.

// State // Due to the amount of state and state update operations, you may need, consider using useReducer to manage context state. Using useState will work as well.

// Relationships // You will need to manage one to many & many to many database relationships. // The one to many relationships will be relating the user to issues, and relating the comments to users and to issues. // The many to many relationships will be part of the upvote/downvote process as issues can be upvoted/downvoted by many users, // and many users can upvote/downvote many issues. This will be needed to make sure that an "issue" can only be upvoted/downvoted once per user.