This is a super simple todo app. You can sort your tasks into projects and sort your task into three columns, "TODO", "DOING" and "DONE". Every created tasks gets automatically assigned an id. Every command that changes a task requires a task ID.
npm i -g bashtodo
yarn global add bashtodo
I recommend creating an alias. Copy this to your .bashrc or .zshrc
alias td="bashtodo"
- Init
- List tasks
- Create task
- Move task to todo
- Move task to doing
- Move task to done
- Change task
- Delete task
- New project
- Switch project
- List projects
- Rename project
- Delete project
Lists tasks in current project
Adds a new task to Todo
argument: <TASK_ID>
Moves a task to Todo
argument: <TASK_ID>
Moves a task to Doing
argument: <TASK_ID>
Moves a task to Done
argument: <TASK_ID>
Changes task
argument: <TASK_ID>
Deletes task
optional argument: <NEW_PROJECT_NAME>
Creates a new project
optional argument: <PROJECT_NAME>
Switches focus to another project
Lists all projects
optional argument: <NEW_PROJECT_NAME>
Renames the current project
optional argument: <PROJECT_NAME>
Deletes a todo project