
Simple file listing tool which works in terminal. You can sort your files according to their sizes and limit the number of items shown in result.

Primary LanguageJava


List the sizes of folders in a given directory.

It is easy to use if you create an alias.

alias FS='java -jar ~[path]/FS.jar'

##Output Sample Terminal: FMS /Users/..../FolderSizer

║Name                                                         Size       Type       SubFiles  ║
║bin                                                          16KB       Folder     1         ║
║src                                                          6KB        Folder     1         ║
║.DS_Store                                                    6KB        File       0         ║
║.git                                                         5KB        Folder     9         ║
║.settings                                                    587B       Folder     1         ║
║.project                                                     370B       File       0         ║
║.classpath                                                   295B       File       0         ║
║README.md                                                    15B        File       0         ║
║.gitignore                                                   6B         File       0         ║

Terminal: FMS /Users/..../FolderSizer 3

║Name                                                         Size       Type       SubFiles  ║
║bin                                                          16KB       Folder     1         ║
║src                                                          6KB        Folder     1         ║
║.DS_Store                                                    6KB        File       0         ║