Simple HLS server running on NodeJS. It takes care of remuxing your video sources into HLS and serve it.
- Remux inputs (video or streaming) to HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
- Serve .m3u8 and .ts segments at a dedicated endpoint
- Support for custom ffmpeg command options
const HLSServer = require('hlsServer');
const server = new HLSServer(); // If no config is provided it will use the default options;
const HLSServer = require('hlsServer');
const server = new HLSServer({
port: 8080,
mediaPath: "./media", // Root path to store media files
cors: { // CORS options
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Request-Method": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "OPTIONS, GET",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "*"
transOptions: [ // FFMPEG transcoding options
"-c:v copy",
"-c:a copy"
hlsOptions: [ // Specific FFMPEG HLS options
"-hls_wrap 5",
"-hls_time 5"
hlsFileName: "index.m3u8" // m3u8 and segments basename
}); // See config options for more information;
// addStream(streamName: String, streamSource: file path or URL)
server.addStream('stream1', 'path/to/video/file.mkv');
server.addStream('stream2', '')
server.addStream('stream3', '')
Once successfully added a stream, it will be served at:
- localhost:{port}/{streamName}/{hslFileName}.m3u8
With default config and above examples, streams could be accesed at:
// M3U8 files
// .ts segments files (just an example, several segments will be created and served from similar enpoints
- Improve logging
This is my first open source project, feel free to report me errors, suggestions, anything you want.
This project was inspired by node-media-server and hls-server projects. The first offers a lot of other features not related with HLS. The second is a very lightweigthed middleware that was not enought for my purposes. Both of them also include features for rtmp and other stuff I was not interested in.
They are very useful but I wanted to make my own project strictly dedicated for serving HLS streams.