

Primary LanguageJavaScriptDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

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      ###   ###      ###    ###        #####     ########
      JavaScript code blog.

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  • fork this repo
  • add your wtf under src/shared/md (format: yyyy-mm-dd-title.md)
  • don't forget to add your name and link to twitter/github at the bottom!
  • send a pull request
  • WTF

Example post format

Array(20).map(function(elem) { return 'a'; }); // Array of undefined x 20

More info [here](http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-
Thanks [Paul Irish](https://twitter.com/paul_irish) for the explanation.

— [@yourtwitterhandle_or_githubhandle][1]


http://wtfjs.com was created by @brianleroux. Everything here is under the WTFPL 2.0 license.


Ordered by date of first contribution. Auto-generated on Thu Aug 09 2012 19:07:44 GMT-0700 (PDT).