Calculator is a simple and intuitive antlr4 calculator.
- Install Java 1.6+ and ANTLR v4
- Generate ANTLR files
java org.antlr.v4.Tool Calc.g -visitor -o output
- Copy Listener & Visitor implementations
cp *.java output
- Compile
javac output/*.java
You can use Calculator in two ways: command mode and interactive mode.
This is probably the mode you'll want to use. To do this, just write a text file as the following:
a = 5
b = 6
$ cd output && java Calc calc.txt
Instead of writing a lot of small text files, you can use interactive mode.
$ cd output && java Calc
a = 5
b = 6
EOF # type ctrl-D on Unix or Ctrl+Z on Windows
Calculator support the basic arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, %), unary operators (+, -), expressions, parenthesized expressions, user-defined functions, integer numbers, floating-point numbers, and variables.
- Add support for exponentiation operator ^.