🎠 React Native swiper/carousel component, fully implemented using reanimated v2, support to iOS/Android/Web. (Swiper/Carousel)
Pinned issues
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Warning when using Reanimated version 3.16
#706 opened by joaofelippe911 - 0
Feedback for “Stack”
#742 opened by ShahriyarSuhan - 3
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Reading from value during component render. Please ensure that you do not access the value property or use get method of a shared value while React is rendering a component.
#740 opened by zack-rose - 2
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Cannot read property 'Basic' of undefined
#727 opened by ReactNativ - 6
When will be the stable release?
#718 opened by Habeeb-007 - 10
[Android][v4.0.0-canary.17] Carousel crashes the app
#712 opened by Bekaxp - 0
Distinguish between horizontal and vertical swiping
#739 opened by Vimiso - 2
Unnecessary Re-renders in React Native Application Due to react-native-reanimated-carousel and Pagination
#728 opened by yograjgarg - 0
add parallaxAdjacentItemOpacity to ILayoutConfig to set opacity on parallax backgrounded items
#738 opened by o0JoeCool0o - 1
How to know which Snap to The next item happen when the user scroll or automatically
#737 opened by chohra-med - 2
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TypeScript typing
#722 opened by alexandermirzoyan - 2
Gesture error when applying pagination
#665 opened by bil-lekid - 5
Parallax animation with new architecture Enabled cause "Loss of precision during arithmetic conversion: (long) XX.XXXX"
#715 opened by jiroscripts - 13
Jest TypeError: (0 , _computedWithAutoFillData.computedOffsetXValueWithAutoFillData) is not a function
#651 opened by andresouza-maple - 1
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None of the callbacks in the gesture are worklets.
#654 opened by trevorpfiz - 1
Fire event when scrolling past?
#711 opened by bobbyziom - 7
Error: Exception in HostFunction: Loss of precision during arithmetic conversion: (long) 18.450172312938385
#682 opened by Hatta-Food-Hub - 2
facebook::jsi::JSError - undefined is not a function TypeError: undefined is not a function at anonymous (JavaScript:1:685) at reactNativeReanimatedCarousel_BaseLayoutTsx4 (JavaScript:1:132) at reactNativeReanimated_useAnimatedReactionTs1 (JavaScript:1:130) at map
#713 opened by Nader-CS - 2
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Property 'push' does not exist on type
#684 opened by stereodenis - 2
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react-native-reanimated-carousel carouselRef.current.scrollTo does not work properly.
#657 opened by zahidalidev - 1
Carousel inside a vertical scrollview was laggy and buggy, but no more after I did this using patch-pacakage
#701 opened by mufaddalhamidofficial - 1
Carousel horizontal swiping doesn't work when react-native-reanimated is on V 3.15.4
#700 opened by JordanHe - 3
Performance Lag in Carousel Animations on Real Android Devices Compared to Simulator
#660 opened by defild9 - 1
Jitter in Vertical Carousel in v4.0.0-canary.15
#686 opened by keenan35i - 1
Gesture swipe on images with desktop?
#685 opened by shawnmclean - 1
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[REGRESSION] The `onClick` function of `<Pagination.Basic>` doesn't work
#676 opened by qwertychouskie - 7
Carousel Adjacent Items Not Visible on Android
#675 opened by VirtuozTM - 5
autoplay (in 4.0.0-canary.13) is FAR more processor-intensive; it should not use `requestAnimationFrame` on every call
#669 opened by nmassey - 3
Android Blinking Issue when swiping
#662 opened by sohuichoi - 2
No need to specify `height` prop
#668 opened by 7dp - 3
cannot scroll horizontal
#664 opened by sohuichoi - 4
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Carousel component does not size itself correctly
#646 opened by itsramiel - 1
Pagination Is not Importable from the library as Shown in the Documentation Example
#656 opened by bharatkumar-777 - 14
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Resizing the height based on screen size width
#644 opened by shawnmclean