
A web application for handling a pizza restaurant’s online orders

Primary LanguagePython


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Functions achieve

  • A web application for handling a pizza restaurant’s online orders.
  • Users can browse the restaurant’s menu, add items to their cart, and submit their orders, and restaurant owners can add, update, and remove items on the menu.


Python, Django, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

How to achieve

Image of architecture

How to run in local

  • Run app: python3 manage.py runserver

  • Make changes of the app: python manage.py makemigrations

python [manage.py](http://manage.py/) migrate

python3 manage.py createsuperuser You will be prompted to enter a username, email address, and strong password.

python3 manage.py shell

  • open table of the database from orders.models import <table name>

  • fetch cartain rows from table f = <table name>(<attribute>=<value>, <attribute>=<value>) OR Basics.objects.filter(Size="small") OR one = Basics.objects.get(id=3)

  • delete certain rows one.delete()

  • save changes to the table f.save()

  • fetch all rows of the table Basics.objects.all()

Future work

  • Optimize the front-end UI design.
  • Use React to refactor the code of JavaScript.
  • Add dynamic functions.



