Rappi Clone

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Awesome developers

  • Diego Cuevas
  • Paulo Tijero
  • Ricardo Yrupailla


Create an application to buy food from a restaurant, check how long it will take to be ready and a map of how to get your feed.

  • The user must have a login view.
  • After logged in it should see a list of restaurants.
  • When accessing a restaurant it should see the menu with pictures, names, descriptions and prices of each product.
  • The user should be able to add a product to its cart.
    • A product could be multiple times in the cart.
  • When leaving the restaurant to another restaurant or the list it should previously confirm with the user.
    • If the user confirms it should clear the cart.
    • If the user doesn't confirm it shouldn't leave the restaurant.
  • After the user finish picking its food the should be able to request it.
  • When the user create an order it should see a map with the location of the restaurant.
  • In the map it should also see the user location and keep listening for movements.
  • The user should have a way to see previous orders with their products.
  • When the user arrives to the place it should have a button to mark the order as completed.

Acceptance Criteria

  • It must use semantic HTML
  • It must use React
  • It must be Responsive
  • It must use CSS in JS
  • It must have tests
    • Snapshot tests
    • Behavior tests
  • It must use Reach Router
  • It could use Reach UI components
  • It must use Redux
  • It must be a Progressive Web App
  • It must pass with green the Performance tests of the Chrome Audits
  • It must pass with green the Accessibility tests of the Chrome Audits
  • It must pass with green the Best Practices tests of the Chrome Audits
  • It must pass with green the SEO tests of the Chrome Audits
  • It must pass with green the PWA tests of the Chrome Audits