
A powerful high quality dork generator.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A powerful high quality dork generator.
Video Proof

PIX4HQ Dork GeneratorZ3NTL3


  • Parallel execution and fast speed
  • High Quality Dorks
  • Efficient self-made scraper bot for scraping from the most used word generator website randomwordgenerator.com
  • Advanced usage mechanics
  • Add your own dorks


The only requirement in order to run this application is Chrome.


This application is developed by Z3NTL3 for Pix4.

By using the application you agree to the following terms of use:

  • Stealing code and using it for your own use case is not allowed
  • Modifying the application is not allowed
  • Selling the application for money is not allowed

As Pix4 developers, we strive to develop open-source free applications. Please respect our work and so follow the terms of use.
