this is simple script for generate dorks list for sql injection
Write the names of the sites that have the same category in sites.txt
- for example shopping will be
... etc
- for example shopping will be
Write the keywords for these sites in keywords.txt
- for example
shop electronics
,cash on delivery
... etc
- for example
Write the page types in page_types.txt
- for example
... etc
- for example
Write the page parameters in page_parameters.txt
- for example
... etc
- for example
Write the dork search functions in search_functions.txt
- for example
... etc
- for example
Finally, write the patterns of dorks in patterns.txt, for example:
{site} {keyword} .{page_type}?{page_parameter}=
{site} -{keyword} - / {page_type}?{page_parameter}= + {search_function}:
After finished run the script by python
results in dorks.txt will be like this:
Alibaba shop electronics .php?item_id=
Amazon shop electronics .php?order_id=
Alibaba -cash on delivery - / aspx?id= + inurl:
Amazon -shop electronics - / cfg?item_id= + intext:
Amazon cash on delivery .php?order_id=
Amazon -shop electronics - / aspx?order_id= + inurl:
Walmart shop electronics .cfg?order_id=
Walmart -cash on delivery - / aspx?order_id= + intext:
Walmart cash on delivery .php?item_id=
Alibaba cash on delivery .cfg?item_id=
Alibaba shop electronics .php?id=
Walmart -cash on delivery - / cfg?item_id= + intext:
Alibaba shop electronics .cfg?order_id=
Amazon cash on delivery .cfg?id=
Amazon -shop electronics - / cfg?order_id= + intext:
Amazon shop electronics .cfg?item_id=
Walmart shop electronics .aspx?item_id=
Walmart -shop electronics - / php?id= + inurl:
Alibaba shop electronics .cfg?item_id=
Alibaba cash on delivery .aspx?item_id=