June 26th-28th
Kevin Cunningham: https://kevincunningham.co.uk kevin@kevincunningham.co.uk
Miro Board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVK47SfCg=/?share_link_id=503194957873
Feedback form: https://forms.microsoft.com/e/VUzkUcGGS7
- 9:30-11 Session 1
- 11-11.15 Coffee
- 11.15-12.45 Session 2
- 12.45-1.45 Lunch
- 1.45-3.15 Session 3
- 3.15-3.30 Tea
- 3.30-4.30 Session 4
Unit 1: TS Intro - exploring types, interfaces dicts, map and guard types.
Unit 2: Exploring the setup of an initial project - package.json, tsconfig.json, src and dist directory
Unit 3: Imports - explore how imports work - CJS, ESM and TS -
Unit 4: What's new - looking at some es6+ improvements - backticks, arrow functions, default parameters, generators and iterators
Unit 5: Narrowing, Widening and Generics - Understanding the type system some more.
Unit 6: Legacy code - take a small JS library and gradually add TS to it.
Unit 8: Automation and DOM Manipulation - Exploring webpack and getting setup in a new project. Also, using TS to add components with JS to manipulate the dom - add event listeners etc
Unit 7: Async - exploration of the evolution of async in JS
Unit 9: Functional Programming - an exploration on what functional programming is, why it's a helpful paradigm and some practice
Unit 10: React - exploring a React project and seeing how TS is used, using generics in the context of useState and a few other hooks
Unit 11: Error handling - Considering our error handling approach
Unit 12: Creating types from others - utilities, string literals, keyin, keyof, record
Unit 13: Testing - What are the testing solutions in TS?