
Finn's learning the alphabet! 🔤

Primary LanguagePython

Alphabet Practice for Finn 💕

Connect to the remote console/REPL

screen -S pybadge /dev/tty.usbmodem14101 115200

Pretty sure the device name won't change.

Send it to the pybadge

cp main.py /Volumes/CIRCUITPY

Add/change font(s)

Open FontForge:

/Applications/FontForge.app/Contents/MacOS/FontForge ~/Downloads/Alphabet\ fonts/Old_Standard_TT/OldStandardTT-Bold.ttf
  1. Copy out the letter glyphs and paste into a new font.
  2. Run Bitmap Strikes Available... (cmd+shift+B) and set Pixel Sizes to 100.
  3. Run Regenerate Bitmap Glyphs... (cmd-B) and keep Pixel Sizes to 100.
  4. Run Generate Fonts... (cmd-shift-G) and:
    1. Pick the fonts directory in this project
    2. Name the font accurately, and keep the .bdf extension
    3. Select No Outline Font
    4. Select BDF
    5. Ignore Options
    6. Ensure the size box is 100
    7. Click Generate
    8. Guess the BDF Resolution
    9. Hope it doesn't get into that stupid box dismiss loop thing

Copy it over:

cp -R fonts /Volumes/CIRCUITPY