
In this repo I will show how to use HTML5, Bootstrap 4, JQuery, Javascript and FireBase to display to the user accurate train times.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

FireBase Train Times

I demonstrate the use of jQuery, Javascript, Firebase and Materialize.

Project Overview

In this example, I will show how to use HTML5,Bootrap 4, JQuery/Javascript and FireBase to create a really cool app. This app has a form that will except data and store it in a fireBase DB then return train times to table.

View Demo

To view demo click on this link: (Demo Link).

Project Requirements

When adding trains, administrators should be able to submit the following:

  1. Train Name
  2. Destination
  3. First Train Time -- in military time
  4. Frequency -- in minutes Code this app to calculate when the next train will arrive; this should be relative to the current time. Users from many different machines must be able to view same train times.


  1. When the app loads fill out the form to add a train to the list.
  2. Go ahead and have a CRUD adventure and what your train times get calculated.