
In this repo I demonstrate the use of jQuery, Javascript and Bootstrap 4 to create a Hang-Man Game.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demonstrate the use of vanilla javascript to create a Hang-Man game.

Project Overview

This repo shows my ability to code in Javascript and Bootstrap 4. I use Arrays, their methods and iterations to bring this game to life.

View Demo

To view demo click on this link: (Demo Link).

Project Requirements

  1. Choose a theme for your game! I chose a music theme! YAY!

  2. Use click events to listen for the letters that your players will click on.

  3. Wins: (# of times user has one the game).

    a. If the word is madonna, display it like this when the game starts: _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

    b. As the user guesses the correct letters, reveal them: m a d o _ _ a.

  4. Guesses Remaining: (Yes you guessed it.. # of guesses remaining before the user is hung).

  5. Letters Already Guessed: (Letters the user has guessed, displayed like L Z Y H).