
Context License


In this two-day workshop we will explore what Apache Beam en Dataflow is and how you can use it. The First day we are mainly focussing on understanding the mechanics. We will create our one Batch Pipeline. The second day we will dive deeper in streaming pipelines and the different mechanics Beam has to deal with the challenges.

Repository Structure

  └ Lab-1-Lab-1-batch-pipeline     | We create our own Batch Pipeline. 
  └ Lab-2-windowing                | We create our Batch Pipeline. 

Available Labs

Lab/Folder Description
df-lab-01 Batch pipeline that calculates the how often a song is played
.. ..

Core Requirements

To run the pipelines with Dataflow you need to have a GCP project with billing enabled.

Required Tools/Packages

  • Python 3
  • pip

Optional Tools/Packages

Labs preperation Preparation

The preparation of your local environment is one of the first steps to handle all of our labs and is the basis for all our further activity using the local development environment of all participants.

  1. Clone Repository

    Please make sure that work with the latest main-branch version of our labs-repository. If there are changes to the kernel repository during the workshop, you can save the current local change state with git stash and get the new state with git pull.

    $ TEMPDIR=/tmp
    $ cd $TEMPDIR
    $ git clone
    $ cd Dataflow-Fundamentals
  2. GCP Credential Configuration (optional)

    Set default GCP credentials and set project

    $ gcloud config init
    $ gcloud config set project <YOUR PROJECT>
  3. Installation requirements

    Make sure you are using Python 3 and have installed pip.

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. INIT/RUN Lab

    Go to the corresponding labs sub-directory and follow the corresponding instructions in the documentation stored there!s




See LICENSE for full details.

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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