A helm chart for prefect.
You will need a kubernetes cluster and helm (version 3).
Clone this repo and install this chart with the following command-line.
$ helm install prefect ./charts/prefect
If this chart is useful for you and you are more versed in kubernetes and helm, please help us by creating a repo for this chart.
This chart does not expose the prefect user interface or its GraphQL API. After deploying this chart, you can access them with:
$ kubectl port-forward service/apollo 4200 &
$ kubectl port-forward service/ui 8080 &
Alternatively, you can setup a secure access with Pomerium as described in the following section
Pomerium is an identity-aware proxy that can be used to access the Prefect server UI web application and its GraphQL API. The pomerium documentation is quite extensive, but here are some simplified instructions that have worked for me.
These instructions assumes that:
- You are using Google as an identity provider (you can use another provider but please help us by updating these docs later).
- You want to deploy your UI on
(you will change it for your own domain, of course). - You have created certificates for your domain. You can follow the guide on https://www.pomerium.io/docs/reference/certificates.html
The procedure is as follows:
- Deploy prefect server using helm as described in the installation section.
- Crea
- Assuming that you want to deploy your UI on
, then you need to create some SSL certificates first.
Create an OAuth client credentials by following the Pomerium documentation in https://www.pomerium.io/docs/identity-providers/google.html
You do not need to do the service account part.
You will need the client ID and secret later.
Create and review a
file with your Pomerium configuration. The important keys are marked with# IMPORTANT
config: rootDomain: example.com # IMPORTANT service: type: "NodePort" policy: - from: "https://ui.example.com" # IMPORTANT prefix: "/graphql" to: "http://apollo.default.svc.cluster.local:4200" allowed_domains: - "my-company.com" # IMPORTANT - from: "https://ui.example.com" to: "http://example.default.svc.cluster.local:8080" allowed_domains: - "my-company.com" # IMPORTANT authenticate: idp: provider: "google" clientID: "FILL ME.apps.googleusercontent.com" # IMPORTANT clientSecret: "FILL ME" # IMPORTANT service: annotations: "cloud.google.com/app-protocols": '{"https":"HTTPS"}' ingress: hosts: - "*.example.com" # IMPORTANT secret: name: "pomerium-tls" annotations: "kubernetes.io/ingress.allow-http": "false" proxy: service: annotations: "cloud.google.com/app-protocols": '{"https":"HTTPS"}'
- (Optional) reserve a static IP address for your