The dojo-polyglot-environ aims to be a multi-language environment for dojos sesions. It implements features of different tools and try to make easy the use of them. Creating your dojo script ========================= To create the initial script of your dojo session, execute the following code with the appropriate arguments: $ ./ -c PROBLEM -l LANGUAGE $ ./ -c FibonacciSequence -l python $ ./ -c CollatzConjecture -l ruby ... Executing the session daemon ============================ Once you have created your dojo script, you need to start the daemon before start coding. You could also set the timeout of the session at your convenience, the default value is 300 seconds. $ ./ -d SCRIPT [ -t TIMEOUT ] $ ./ -d $ ./ -d collatzconjecture.rb -t 420 ... And that's all... easy as 1, 2, 3.
Pre-configured environments for several programming languages.