
Front End Development exercise creating a Stranger Things website

Primary LanguageVue

Stranger Things - Front End Development Exercise

The intent of this execise is to create a website to display content about a Netflix original that references the RTP-Durham area.

A primary goal for me was to get some practice working with some new technologies and tools that I have been interested in learning.

I was really interested in working with Vue.js, as well as, CSS Grid.

It was a challenge but I had a great time working through the process. There's always more work that needs to be done and revisions to be made but for now this is a good stopping point.

To run the Vue app you must first install VUE CLI. In your terminal run:

npm install -g @vue/cli


yarn global add @vue/cli

Then go to the project directory and run:

npm run serve


yarn serve

This will run the Vue app in the development mode.

Open http://localhost:8080 to view it in the browser.