
A dice probability calculator for Star Wars: Imperial Assault to help me make informed decisions in-game

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Imperial Assault (and Other Games) Dice Probability Calculator (and Roller)

Installation for Development

git clone <repo URL>
bower install


  • Needs some cleanup to meet my personal code organisation standards
  • ...but it runs, so I'm not particularly worried about it right now

Current Game Support

  • Star Wars: Imperial Assault
  • Star Wars: Armada
  • Star Wars: X-Wing

Usage Instructions

  • To use the app, click here
  • To add dice to the calculation pool, tap the corresponding die in the Available section
  • To remove dice from the calculation pool, tap the corresponding die in the Selected section
  • To calculate the probabilities of the dice in the calculation pool, tap the Stats button (which will only appear if there are dice in the pool, and if the pool has changed since the last calculation
  • To roll the dice in the calculation pool, tap the Roll button (which only appears under the same circumstances as the Stats button)
  • To switch games, tap the corresponding game icon at the bottom of the screen
  • To enter fullscreen mode, tap the fullscreen icon (four arrows) in the upper-right corner of the screen next to the title bar
  • To pin the app to your home screen, ask Google how to do that (I cannot list instructions for every device, operating system, operating system version, browser, and browser version here)


  • I did not design the app to run on a desktop browser. It will run, it just won't look nice (not that it looks particularly nice normally -- it is rather spartan in its appearance)
  • The app does not support comparing different groups of dice side-by-side
  • The app does not support calculating attack vs. defence (chance to land a hit) -- that is left as an exercise for the player