- 3
- 8
- 1
- 7
- 0
- 2
Error in installing Chrome
#43 opened by jiax83 - 2
Need a way to import repo keys.
#12 opened by vijayviji - 2
Add topographical sort to install dpkg-packages
#30 opened by josegonzalez - 5
- 2
Provide way to configure APT
#13 opened by esantoro - 3
install PPA before package
#19 opened by cromulus - 1
Dokku 0.12.13 compatibility
#24 opened by khamaileon - 1
Plugin not working
#27 opened by cuongn265 - 5
Transfer project to dokku-community
#28 opened by josegonzalez - 0
Plugin not working
#26 opened by cuongn265 - 3
Specifying versions?
#15 opened by madshargreave - 1
Make a new release
#22 opened by josegonzalez - 4
- 2
"Hash Sum mismatch" preventing push
#14 opened by johnfraney - 2
0.4.0 compatibility
#11 opened by crm114 - 1
Better documentation for set up
#3 opened by StefanoDeVuono - 1
Remove the deprecated pre-build hook
#8 opened by jazzzz - 1
Again installs the packages during deploy
#6 opened by misteral - 6
apt-get with phantomjs
#2 opened by kkaliannan